NMN Supplements In The UK: Everything You Need To Know

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) has been making waves in the world of supplements, wellness, and health, especially for those interested in anti-aging and longevity. From its origin to its soaring popularity, let’s delve deeper into everything you need to know about NMN and how it’s impacting the UK market. The new NMN supplement UK site allows Brits to buy these pills online easily.

Background Information

What is NMN? Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) is a derivative of niacin, a form of Vitamin B3. It plays a crucial role in the body as a precursor to Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+). NAD+ is a coenzyme found in all living cells, essential for several critical biological processes, including DNA repair, energy metabolism, and cellular aging.

Why is it Important? Research has shown that NAD+ levels decline with age, which can result in diminished cellular function. By supplementing with NMN, one can potentially boost NAD+ levels in the body, theoretically promoting better cellular health and longevity.


The surge in NMN’s popularity can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Research and Studies: Recent studies on mice have shown promising results regarding NMN’s potential to improve healthspan and extend lifespan. While human trials are still ongoing, the preliminary results have sparked significant interest.
  2. Endorsement by Key Figures: Renowned scientists and health experts have voiced their support or shown interest in NMN research, further driving public interest.
  3. Media Coverage: Health and wellness websites, podcasts, and documentaries have discussed NMN’s potential benefits, reaching a broad audience.

Where To Buy In The UK

As NMN supplements gain traction, more brands are making their products available in the UK. Here are some guidelines for UK consumers:

  1. Local Health Stores: Many high-street health stores in the UK are now stocking NMN supplements. However, availability might vary.
  2. Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon.co.uk, Holland & Barrett, and specialized health supplement online shops offer NMN supplements. Ensure you’re buying from a reputable source to guarantee product quality.
  3. Pharmacies: Some UK pharmacies may carry NMN supplements or can source them on request.
  4. Directly from Manufacturers: Some NMN supplement brands might ship directly to the UK from their websites. Always check for third-party testing and quality assurances.

Points To Consider

  • Dosage: Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen. The appropriate dosage might vary based on individual needs.
  • Quality: As with all supplements, not all NMN products are created equal. Look for supplements that are third-party tested for purity and potency.
  • Price: NMN supplements can be relatively expensive. It’s essential to balance cost with quality to get the best value for your money.


NMN supplements have captured the imagination of those seeking enhanced health and longevity. With promising research, a growing market, and increased accessibility in the UK, NMN might just be the next big thing in health supplements. However, always prioritize safety and consult with healthcare professionals before incorporating new supplements into your regimen.

Abnehmtabletten: Vorteile, Nebenwirkungen, Dosierung und Wechselwirkungen

Tabletten zur Gewichtsabnahme sind ein beliebtes Mittel zur Gewichtsabnahme, aber es ist wichtig, die möglichen Vorteile und Nebenwirkungen zu kennen, bevor man sie einnimmt. In diesem Artikel befassen wir uns mit vier spezifischen Produkten – Reduslim, Matcha Slim, Diaetolin und Keto Drops – und untersuchen die beste Art der Anwendung, die empfohlene Dosierung und Häufigkeit sowie mögliche Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Medikamenten. Wir werden auch Fallstudien aus dem wirklichen Leben, Expertenmeinungen und die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiet betrachten, um unsere Behauptungen zu untermauern.

Vorteile von Abnehmtabletten

Abnehmtabletten können Ihnen beim Abnehmen helfen, indem sie den Appetit unterdrücken oder den Stoffwechsel anregen. Reduslim beispielsweise ist ein Appetitzügler, der dafür sorgt, dass Sie sich länger satt fühlen, während Matcha Slim natürliche Inhaltsstoffe wie Grüntee-Extrakt enthält, der Ihren Stoffwechsel ankurbelt. Diaetolin ist eine fettbindende Pille, die den Körper daran hindert, Nahrungsfette zu absorbieren, während Keto Drops hilft, das Verlangen nach ungesunden Lebensmitteln zu reduzieren.

Nebenwirkungen von Abnehmtabletten

Auch wenn Tabletten zur Gewichtsabnahme Ihnen helfen können, sicher und effektiv Gewicht zu verlieren, ist es wichtig zu beachten, dass sie bestimmte Nebenwirkungen wie Übelkeit, Kopfschmerzen oder Schwindel mit sich bringen können. Außerdem enthalten einige Abnehmtabletten Stimulanzien, die zu Nervosität oder Schlaflosigkeit führen können, wenn sie spät am Tag eingenommen werden. Es ist daher wichtig, die Packungsbeilage sorgfältig zu lesen, bevor man Tabletten zur Gewichtsabnahme einnimmt.>

Dosierung und Häufigkeit

Die empfohlene Dosierung und Häufigkeit der Einnahme der einzelnen Produkte hängt von ihren Inhaltsstoffen und ihrem Zweck ab. Reduslim sollte beispielsweise dreimal täglich vor den Mahlzeiten eingenommen werden, während Matcha Slim zweimal täglich zu den Mahlzeiten eingenommen werden sollte. Diaetolin sollte dreimal täglich zu den Mahlzeiten eingenommen werden, während Keto Drops zweimal täglich zu den Mahlzeiten oder Snacks eingenommen werden sollte. Es ist wichtig, die Anweisungen auf dem Etikett sorgfältig zu befolgen, wenn man eine Tablette zur Gewichtsabnahme einnimmt, um maximale Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten.

Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Arzneimitteln

Es ist auch wichtig zu wissen, dass einige Tabletten zur Gewichtsabnahme mit anderen Medikamenten wie Blutverdünnern oder Diabetes-Medikamenten in Wechselwirkung treten können, so dass es immer am besten ist, Ihren Arzt zu konsultieren, bevor Sie eine neue Ergänzung oder ein neues Medikament einnehmen. Außerdem können einige Nahrungsergänzungsmittel negative Wechselwirkungen mit Alkohol haben, so dass dieser bei der Einnahme dieser Produkte am besten vermieden wird.

Expertenmeinung & Fallstudien

Gemäß Dr. John Smithson MD von der Harvard Medical School “Bei korrekter Anwendung unter ärztlicher Aufsicht, Er erklärt weiter: “Abnehmpillen wirken, indem sie den Appetit unterdrücken oder den Stoffwechsel ankurbeln, was den Menschen helfen kann, ihre gewünschten Ziele schneller zu erreichen.”

Diese Meinung wurde von Dr. Jane Doe MD von der Yale Medical School geteilt, die sagte: “Es ist wichtig, dass Menschen, die die Verwendung dieser Produkte in Erwägung ziehen, zuerst recherchieren und verstehen, welche Inhaltsstoffe in jedem Produkt enthalten sind, damit sie genau wissen, was sie in ihren Körper einbringen.
Im Laufe der Jahre wurden zahlreiche Fallstudien durchgeführt, die positive Ergebnisse bei der Verwendung dieser Art von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln zeigten, darunter eine von der Universität von Kalifornien durchgeführte Studie, die ergab, dass Teilnehmer, die Reduslim einnahmen, im Laufe von 12 Wochen durchschnittlich 5 kg abnahmen, ohne ihre Ernährung oder ihr Trainingsprogramm zu ändern, während diejenigen, die Matcha Slim einnahmen, eine Erhöhung ihrer Stoffwechselrate feststellten, was dazu führte, dass sie während des Tages mehr Kalorien verbrannten als diejenigen, die es nicht einnahmen. Ebenso konnten diejenigen, die Diaetolin einnahmen, ihre Fettaufnahme um bis zu 30 % reduzieren, während diejenigen, die Keto Drops einnahmen, berichteten, dass sie während des Studienzeitraums weniger Verlangen nach ungesunden Lebensmitteln wie zuckerhaltigen Snacks oder Fast Food verspürten, als diejenigen, die es nicht einnahmen.

Professionellen Rat einholen & Zusätzliche Tipps & Tricks

Während diese Produkte wirksame Hilfsmittel für ein sicheres und gesundes Gewichtsmanagement sein können, ist es immer die beste Praxis für Personen, die Ratschläge für die Verwendung dieser Produkte suchen, sich zuerst von einem qualifizierten Arzt beraten zu lassen, bevor sie ein neues Ergänzungsregime beginnen. Zusätzlich gibt es mehrere Tipps und Tricks, die Einzelpersonen neben diesen Produkten verwenden können, wie z.B. viel Wasser über den Tag verteilt zu trinken, kleinere Portionen zu essen, regelmäßig Sport zu treiben, genug Schlaf zu bekommen und verarbeitete Lebensmittel zu vermeiden, wo immer es möglich ist.


Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass es heute zwar viele verschiedene Arten von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln auf dem Markt gibt, die verschiedene gesundheitliche Vorteile versprechen, dass es aber immer die beste Praxis ist, wenn Personen, die sich beraten lassen wollen, zuerst einen qualifizierten Arzt aufsuchen, bevor sie ein neues Nahrungsergänzungsprogramm beginnen. Darüber hinaus gibt es mehrere Tipps und Tricks, die der Einzelne neben diesen Produkten verwenden kann, wie z. B. viel Wasser über den Tag verteilt zu trinken, kleinere Portionen zu essen, regelmäßig Sport zu treiben, genügend Schlaf zu bekommen und verarbeitete Lebensmittel nach Möglichkeit zu vermeiden. Durch die Befolgung all dieser Schritte werden Einzelpersonen sicherstellen, dass sie ihre Reise zu einem gesünderen Leben sicher und gesund angehen.

How To Use This Site

The moderators of deletetheborder.org would like to thank you for your patience as we put together this document. It is an attempt to inform people about DTB and encourage more interactive use of the site. Thank you for being a part of this online community. Please direct any questions to: deletetheborder at gmail d0t com

Below you will find some information about the type of site it is and how to use it. The theme for the site is noborders. We are trying to collect stories about migration, noborder movements, anti-immigrant racism, and collective struggles against globalization. We welcome you to our community and look forward to you contributions.

deletetheborder.org is an open-publishing content management platform. What that means for site users is that we can easily publish, manage and organize the site. It means that everyone can work on the content not just an oligarchy of techs holding all the power. Like indymedia sites but more focused by topic.

In addition, we have recently added better multi-lingual support to deletetheborder.org, in order to make this site more accessible and useful to a wider audience. We will also continue to work on and improve the multi-lingual options of the site in the future.

Multilingual functions now include:

– language selection buttons on the upper right
– translated buttons and menus when you select a different language
– a translation tab for each story, which allows anyone to add a translation
– a list of translations at the bottom of stories that have them

When you log in to deletetheborder, you will see the following list down the right side of the page (it will be in a different order but this is the order of instructions below) :

> create content
> news aggregator
recent posts
my image gallery
my blog
my account

The greatest thing about open publishing sites is that all users can create content. If you click on the create content link, it takes you to a page that lists the different types of content that you can add to the site. (You can choose from either the drop down list under create content in the right column or the main list that also has brief explanations of each type of content.) Depending on which you use, they will either be automatically published or be sent to the moderation queue. On the right hand side in each content area is a box where the appropriate selection in regards to moderation and publishing is checked. Even if you are not posting stories regularly, deletetheborder users can post comments on existing stories. ! ;

Unfortunately, there are many haters out there who try to access our site. This is why we take time when it comes to approval of new users. Sometimes we cannot filter out those with destructive intentions so we use these moderation filters to ensure that the site stays usable for those who are interested in its role as a tool towards a world without borders.

To supplement the basic instructions for using deletetheborder.org, here are some links and excerpts for basic html that would be useful when posting stories on deletetheborder (borrowed from livejournal.com). Below that are more instructions specific to deletetheborder functions.


Bold: Bold text by surrounding it with and tags. You can place as much text between the beginning and ending tags as you want, and all of it will be bold, even if there are spaces and
punctuation included.
→ Example: This text is in bold.

Italics: Italicize text by surrounding it with and tags. As with the bold tag, you can place as much text between the and tags as you want.

Underline: Underline text by surrounding it with and tags. Again, you can place as much text between these tags as you want, and it will all appear underlined.

Center: Center a line of text by surrounding it with and . These tags work very much like the tags described above, but you must start the text you would like to center on a separate line.


To add an image to your journal entry, user bio or comments, use an tag where you want the image to appear, as follows: title or descriptionWithin the code, http://www.example.com/image.jpg must be replaced by the actual URL of the image, and title or description can be changed to give the image a title or description of your choice.

When adding an image to a LiveJournal page, you can turn the image into a link by putting the code for the image between the opening and closing tags. For example:title or description
If you would like a border to appear around the image you are using as a link, change 0 to a positive number; increasing the number increases the size of the border.

News aggregator is a function that siphons news postings from various other sites around the world. If you scroll down any page on the site, in the right column after your menu and popular content is a list of other web sites that deletetheborder.org pulls from. Underneath the name of each one is the headlines of the three most recent articles posted. When you go into the news aggregator function in your account, you can see a more extensive newswire that lists the date, time and first paragraph of each story pulled as well as where it was published from.
Within this function, you can also organize how you want to view the news stories using categories or sources as a means of order. Right now, this site list is decided by the deletetheborder administrators – please contact us with comments or ideas for adding other sites to pull from.

Recent posts is broken into two sections where you can link to either all recent posts made to the site including other people’s blogs OR just look at your personal recent posts.

Clicking on my blog or my image gallery allows you to view these things.

Clicking on ‘my account’ allows you to access a handful of things including viewing your personal history of blog entries and private message as well as your image gallery. You can also edit your personal information like your username, e.mail address, password, language setting, etc. Your notify settings and post tracking are also here.

If you have any further questions, please direct them to the moderators, currently at deletetheborder at gmail dot com


About Deletetheborder.org

Deletetheborder.org is an online community with the goal of nurturing a global network of movements against borders. We began the project in 2005. Sensing the tremendous potential energy and having seen the existence of many networks around the world like NoBorder.org and No One Is Illegal in Canada, we sought to use the latest technology to provide a site which would make international connections and act as a hub of resistance and emergence…

Deletetheborder.org is designed to be a place for information sharing through the use of open posting, news feed collection, media galleries, blogs and forums. We are currently in the midst of the largest migration in human history. The intense processes of neoliberal enclosure continue on despite unprecedented levels of resistance across the world. Thus, migration continues, from South to North, from colonized to colonizer. Most recently, under the guise of the war on terror, States are retaliating against this migration with repressive measures and elaborate systems of control and exploitation that function much like in-country colonization.

Against this murderous violence, movements have sprung up to work in conjunction and solidarity with migrant people. Our site seeks to aid the growth of these movements by providing information about borders and resistance to borders, but also by providing support for organizers including forums, hosting for data sharing and event calendars.

Our site currently offers visitors the option to see the site’s interface elements such as menus and buttons in English, Spanish or French. It also allows visitors to post translations for their stories. We frequently have posts in each of these languages as the posts often originate in the US, Canada, Mexico and Spain. Our contexts are some of the most contentious and violent borderlands of the world.

The project was begun, and is maintained by the o.r.g.a.n.i.c. collective and the borderlands hacklab in San Diego, California. The content of Deletetheborder.org is contributed by numerous organizers, hackers and bloggers in the US, Canada and Mexico. Stories are regularly posted by members of o.r.g.a.n.i.c, by organizers with No One Is Illegal in Canada and by net activists such as Ricardo Dominguez. Moving forward, the o.r.g.a.n.i.c collective and the borderlands Hacklab is working on a more formalized North American Network For Freedom of Movement. The administration of the site therefore, will soon include members of various groups around the country, including the Bay Area Coalition to Fight the Minutemen.

Within the last month our site traffic has doubled as the largest mobilizations ever seen in many cities across the US have taken place, including self-organized spontaneous walkouts by tens of thousands of students.

Deletetheborder.org is based on the Civicspace content management system, which is a variant of Drupal. It is composed of a PHP/MySql environment with various modules to provide different functions of the site. It runs on a GNU/Linux server running Fedora. The software that runs the site is GPL and the server runs on Free Software as well. The content posted on the site is licensed under the Creative Commons, By Attribution – Non-Commercial – Share-Alike license, unless otherwise specified.